About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Baby, your a firework/Come on let your color burst/Make them go oh oh as you shoot across the sky" - Firework Katy Perry

Hello Hello,
Remember when I said I was questioning my friends and my where my life is a little? I still totally am. Truth be told my friend group that I thought would always be stable is breaking apart. Whenever we all hang out together we don't really click or all talk anymore. Its really sad because we all really used to be the best of friends. We used to share everything, I remember we had a sleepover at the end of ninth grade year and it was just one of those days that I had more fun then ever though imaginable. We clicked, we shared everything with each other. I think what happened was people went through a lot of different tough things that changed them and they didn't really share with everyone as a whole. It also has to do with the little things that bug each person about the other became a bigger deal. I just wish we were that connected because I miss being a part of that and having people that I could trust and fall back on.

On a more positive note I am really excited about two things in my life. Number One: Winter Formal. I am really excited that I Get to dress up in a pretty dress with gorgeous heels and get the hair and nails did. I get to be all fancy. Not to mention it might just be the thing that pulls our friend group together. I am also really excited about my birthday. But there are are a couple of downers attached with this. The first one is the fact that the limo I was planning to rent broke down, and they only have a ten passenger one available. I wanted to invite 15 people. Now I can only invite ten. Its going to be really hard picking and choosing, but I guess truth be told I kind of know who I want there and who I wont. But the problem comes when everyone you want to invite is friends with the one you don't want to invite and they speak in front of them. It can be an issue. I'm still excited about it nonetheless. I'm sure it will come together.

song of the day: Firework by Katy Perry

quote of the day:Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence

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