Hi readers,
For the record anyone whos reading this just made me smile. It's awesome that in all your busy lives, you take a moment to listen to my thoughts. I love you all for it. I was just thinking and I realized being a teenager is the hardest most fun thing i've ever done. It's hard because I come home every night with a mountain of homework. Its stressful because every single assigment counts towards the bigger picture. Whats the bigger picture? It's my future silly. I think schools a little more stressful for me then others because I like many other people learn better one on one. The classroom setting just makes everything more complicated because all a persons questions are rushed and sometimes they explain it in a way that clicks for some not others. All these things are just the educational stresses of being a teenager. The rest of the stresses involve how on earth you'll do all the clubs at once, pleasing your parents but not having zero social life, staying in fashion (because if not now when?), and trying to avoid all the drama thats on every corner you turn.
But all this aside I think I may be enjoying my life now more then ever becuase everythings falling into place. I know where I stand with my family and I know that their the rock in my life thats there unconditionally. I found some really good friends. The ones that I call for boy advice, hair advice, or just to talk about nothing for hours. love them! And then I have acuaintences who are fun to pass time with. I have a lot more freedom then i've ever had so I get to do some pretty cool things. Weather it be seeing a good movie or going shopping with friends. Its exciting. Most adults you ask will tell you that your teenage years are the best years of your life. This makes me want to make sure to enjoy these years to the fullest.
If your a teenager who dosen't feel put together don't worry. I watching 60 minutes yesturday and Eminem was on it. I love Eminem. I say it a lot, I think he may be one of my favorite rappers. What I didn't know about him was that he repeated the 9th grade 3 times and never got any education past that. He was also intensly bullied all through school. He was the person people would assume would make it no where fast. But guess what? He did! Because he knew what he was good at and he stuck too it becoming the only white guy to ever make it as a sucsessful rapper. He had an abusive mother and his father abandoned him. But guess what? Hes not repeating history, hes a good father. He loves Haley and Laney. Its adroable. All of us have hope and even if our teenage years aren't "the time of our lives" you never ever know whats planned for us in the future.
song of the day: Not Afraid - Eminem
quote of the day (edited): Of course I don't curse at home. What kind of father would I be if I was like bitc* pick that crayon up.
I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh
I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry
Cause you're scared, I ain't there?
Daddy's with you in your prayers
No more crying, wipe them tears
Daddy's here, no more nightmares
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