About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Monday, August 10, 2009

summer 2009

I had a fantastic summer. A really amazing summer. It started out with me taking a europe trip right after school closed. For 14 days I was in paradise and I really enjoyed it. It was beautiful there and so diffrent. America is nice dont get me wrong but our houses and buildings are kind of plain jane. No super pretty designs or balconys, but it was fantastic. I had the time of my life and felt very independent. For the first time I was alone for two weeks and it felt great to know I could take care of myself even though I was not only in a completly diffrent country but I didnt speak the language either. After I got back home my grandmother was here so I did some stuff with her hung outh with friends watched a lot of secret life and saw movies. I basically relaxed more then i've gotten to relax in a very, very, very, very. very long time. Now skipping past the boring stuff this week samira came over and I had a ton of fun. We had a runnway (note to self 15 years from now I have full permission to publish the embarrasing pictures of us). We also went to worlds of fun and I went on a spinny ride for the first time in a very long time. I felt the cyclone same well past midnight but it wasent so bad i'll admit it was even kind of fun. Just very very dizzying. I figured i should put a little about this summer on the record. Big events.....

Jon and kate got divorced
Michael jackson died
Sonia Sotamayor stuff began and she may be the first latino on the supreme court
I gotta feeling is the number one song on itunes
Secret life is a super good show i keep up with. the second season is brand spankin new
and i figured out i can talk ghetto :) . who knew right?

All for now,



  1. =] yay! I had so much fun too! Your blog is no bore. You should get Bill to read it. hehe. =] Hmmmmm.....i really like this blog.

  2. Thank you. I guess thats a good idea. Maybe i'll try telling more people i have it. just not yet. maybe......next week or something :)

  3. Look how many 11's and 9's there are on you comment date are. =0 Okay. NEXT WEEK>!!!!

  4. I think the number 11 is very much obsessed with you. Is that your favorite number?
    I tried calling you today but something was wrong with your home phone
