About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Ok so I had SO many ideas of what I was gonna write about today. My first was steryotypes and how they started and how untrue they are how they hold people back. My secound was mistakes. Something that everyone does and always has to live with. But the I watched like 4 episodes of one tree hill and tears came from my eyes in one of them. So im just gonna write to you about my day. I actually got to sleep in for once. Saturday is the only day I get to do that because sundays church and every other day of the week I must wake up at 5:45 except wensdays which are late arival. So I "slept in" till 9:30 which fel sooo good. Then I woke up and had breakfast and started reading my newest book. Michael jackson the magic, the something, the whole story. I got it from the library and its pretty good for people who like to go beyond the music. I like celebrity stuff by the way. And then after reading for maybe an hour I got on the computer and started my one tree hill watching doing some stuff in between. I took a walk talked to my grandma AND my grandpa which is kind of a huge deal. I dont think ive talked to my grandpa since 2003. I'm serious, he lives in africa and its just hard. I guess im to blame because I could have bought a phone card and called but i dont know what I would say. So he called today and I originally thought it was someone from europe so I was talking in english and I noticed he didnt quite get what I was saying. I mean a little bit but not fully. Then he left me a message and he hung up. But it was still big for me just to hear him. I thought I would share that because i didnt really know who else to tell. Hes moving here before the end of the year. Most likley my house so it should be pretty interesting. My grandma just called to chat. I can relate with her about so many things. Boys, life, traveling. Shes having a surgery next month im kinda worried. Its for a knee replacment. Shes not scared though, shes tough. My family means a lot to me. And I guess you dont ever really notice what an effect they have on you. Appriciate your familys, and love them even when they bug you or make mistakes. at the end of the day they are all you have. you started with them and you should end with them :)

tonight Im going to the school dance though. Which im a tiny little bit worried about but it will be fine. sorry i forgot to paragraph.

song of the day: party in the usa - miley cyrus and send it on. Im in the disney channel mood

tv stuff: I just remembered two tv shows from back in the day. One of them is Recess which I used to absolutley love and the second one i forgot the name. But the main character was doug. I used to watch it after school

Quote of the day:
: Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie - One tree hill Lucas scott

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