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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"I feel like the girl in the club who's been here too long, can't stand up!"

This is the first post of the new year. I feel the pressure to make it super awesome, so it represents all the amazing posts that are to come. I personally love the start of a new year. It's the only way you can be in the same place, with the same people and still have a fresh start. This year there were way more jokes about everyone that says "new year, new me" and doesn't actually stick with it. I don't think that's the worlds best mentality to have. People do have the capability to change. It can happen when you have the motivation to or just naturally in the growing up or older process. There's no need to just accept bad habits as being part of who you are. I personally have a few resolutions this year. I'll let you get a sneak peak at them :

1. Eat less, exercise more, and lose weight : Every one has this one. We live in a superficial society and that's not going to be changing any time soon. So if you can't beat them, join them.

2.  I'm trying to do more things for myself. I people please a little too much. I don't tell people when they make me absolutely angry and being too nice puts me into situations i'd rather not be in. I'm not saying my resolution is to be mean and selfish (even though that's how it's sounding). The goal is just to look out for my own best interest.

3. Getting deeper into my faith. Reading my d365s more often, soaking in the information instead of just hearing it, and being more active in youth groups and such.

4. Finding time to experiment with my interests/hobbies/talents. I'd like to get back into writing stories, song writing, and improve on my singing (through the church choir)

5. Let go and let God. No more worrying and anxiety over stupid stuff. If I want to talk to someone, I will. If I feel like dancing in the street, I will. I'm not going to over think about peoples feelings and opinions anymore. Those days are gone.

I brought in the new year experiencing something I never have before. I turned 18 a couple weeks ago, and NYE was my first time clubbing. I put on the sparkly dress, but honestly didn't feel that great in it. I got ready to the Notarized top music videos of 2012 (number one was N***** in Paris). All my friends met at my house in order to go on to whatever came next. Part of me felt a bit guilty about the entire clubbing thing, but I wasn't doing anything wrong. My parents knew I was going, I wasn't going to drink or anything, and you're only young once. I wanted to enjoy my youth and have  a good time.

The first club we went to was relatively empty and filled with not very classy types. We stayed for about fifteen minutes then left to check out the other club scenes. Since it was snowing, most of them were pretty empty. The ones we could get into at least. All the clubs downtown were 21+ and packed to the brim anyway. Long story short we ended up at a club that was a bit sketch. Lately there's been something kind of fun about sketch to me. We went in there under the motto a little rachet never hurt anybody. The club wasn't as special as the ones in movies, but it was alright. By the time the countdown happened, most people were dancing. The first thing I heard in the new year was "shake your a** girls, it's 2013. The cheers went a little like this "raise your glass if the one you love is incarcerated. Hang in there ladies, he's coming home this year". Obviously this isn't the place I should want to be if I don't want to end up as the lonely girl in the bar wearing a free *insert husbands name here* counting down the days to the next conjugal visit.

I wasn't trying to meet someone or anything, just have a little fun. I probably wouldn't have stayed as long if they weren't giving away an iPad at 2. By that time most everyone was cut off drinks and they were closing down the bar. One person threw a cup at another person, and before you know it the happy people turned into monsters. They started fighting and it was like that animal clip from Mean Girls. If you haven't scene it, here's the link. It was seriously like this. 

The guys who were fighting actually looked like Sean Paul and 2 chainz. When it was just those two, I was still going to wait out the fight and see if I won the iPad. When it turned into a dog eat dog world and came down to fight or flight, I ran for my life. They ended up turning on the lights and sending everyone home two hours early anyways.The whole thing was funny looking back at it now, but you won't catch me at that club again. No sir. It was definitely an exciting way to bring in the new year though.

Song of The Day : Refill by Elle Verner (why didn't I realize how good this song was last summer like everyone else did? I love it now!)

Quote of the day: Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy (motivation for you all serious about your resolutions like I am)

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