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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Friday, August 19, 2011

"You and I know what it's like to be kicked down, forced to fight, but tonight we're alright/So hold up your light...let it SHINE"

Yesterday I heard one of the saddest stories possible. It was just so heartbreaking. And then I heard another one. And another one. And I realized how cruel life can be sometimes. If I were a crier I definitely would have broken down, but I'm not. Its not a new thing, I just don't like crying in front of people. Not even my own mother. I mean i'm not a robot or anything, I have had my break downs just like everyone else but I just prefer not too. Everyone handles grief their own way, and this is my way. Just holding stuff in and getting through it. I know they say its not good to keep things bottled up, but..that's just how I am. Anyways the story.

A long time ago I went to my first American wedding. It was the nicest lady right here in kansas. They were a wonderful couple so happy and filled with joy. They had the sweetest family there fully supporting them. A little after the wedding, the woman's mother passed away. They were really close. She got pregnant, around the same time she found out her only brother had cancer and it was terminal. He passed away, and she lost her brother. Through all the saddness of two huge loses, her and her husband were able to get through because of their excitement for their child. 9 months later she had the baby, and he passed away the same day. If you've been keeping up thats 3 deaths. I told you that the couple was strong right? So they dealt with all of this together. They chose to try again and had a beautiful baby boy. Unfortunetly, this isn't where the happy ending comes in. Their beautiful baby was diagnosed with cancer and is still fighting it to this day, 5 years later. But they have a lot of hope and a lot of faith that he will make it.

Around the time he was diagnosed they found out they were excpecting another child. Another Boy. Their first born was going to be a big brother. Exciting right? Everything went well and they had themselves a beautiful healthy boy. But then something went wrong, and their baby boy became their angel. He passed away a couple months later. Yup thats four losses. The whole thing is unimaginable. But they kept their spirits up and their faith helped them through. They tried again and were blessed with another boy (Don't worry, nothing happened to this one). To this day their still the same happy couple I saw on their wedding day even though they've been through all of this. We recently found out she was pregnant again. This time with a little girl. She was so excited to do her hair, and dress her up. She'd already gotten a nursery set up and her boys couldn't wait to have a little sister. Close to due date...she lost the baby. Can you imagine one family going through ALL of this.

They are facing so many trials. So many issues. And through it all they've kept their faith, and still have hope in a happy ending for them and their boys. So think about your life. Right now. Think about the things you've been complaining about? Do they even compare to all of this? In the words of Carrie Underwood, "Sometimes that mountain we've been climbing is just a grain of sand". This story sure makes a lot of issues and problems that regular people face seem so small. I'm not saying your problems are unimportant, but i'm saying be grateful for the life you have. Live it, and live it well. It could be so much worse. And I know that doesn't always help get through things, but it might help to remember. And if you can, keep this family in your prayers or positive thoughts or whatever it is you do. Their nice people and don't deserve to go through more tragedy. They've dealt with enough.

song of the day: Lighters by Bad Meets Evil & Bruno Mars

quote of the day: A moment lasts all of a second but memories last forever

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