About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Friday, December 24, 2010

"I really can't stay/But Baby its cold outside/I got to go away but Baby its cold outside/This evening has been/been hoping you'd drop by"

Hi Everyone!
I am so sorry its been so long. Is it safe to say December is a really busy month for a lot of people? I ended the year with a bang, I had my birthday party and am now sixtenn, yay! I did pretty decent in my finals...not physics....but I still got all A's and one B. I was dissapointed in the B but life goes on, I tired my best. My birthday was smaller then expected, there were about 8 of us. I was hoping for 10 but a lot of my friends coulden't come and I don't really have many close friends. Its sad really. But anyways the 8 of us took a limo ride around town and took a ton of awesome pictures. Afterwords we went to the hotel we would have a slumber party at, swam in the pool and hot tub. Then we went to see How Do You know which is a really good movie and we ended with heart to hearts. It was nice I just really didn't feel like I had much to say. I don't know why, I should have but I didn't. Our friend group is in the procsess of repair so we're trying to figure everything out. I guess we just need to know how we fit together.

I do hope we figure it out because it seems like latley I have no one to really talk too. I mean my cousin moved in so thats a good person to tell everything too. I also have my bestie from a diffrent city thats always around to listen bu it would be nice to know that there are more people you can count on you know? And I know I can count on my friends indivisually I have a good relationship with most of them, but I mean as a big group. Like I would like to be able to act the same as I do with indivisual friends when we're all together. But we live and we learn and we grow.

Enough about my personal life, and more about...my personal life. So I'm desperate for fame now. Not in the weird wahy I just love famous people and the hollywood lifestyle and I feel like I a bound for sucsess. I'm kind of shy at school but at home I am completly the oppisitie. I talk too much and am always saying what I'm thinking and stuff. I'm just not that comfortable at school because people are judmental and all about your apperence. Its a shallow place to be. But forget school cause I'm on break and FREE! Yay!!!!!

Plus its Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas everyone! (I promise to wish you a merry christmas again and again)

song of the day: Baby its Cold outside

quote of the day: Be the Change you wish to see in the world

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