Jealousy is interesting. Everyone has it. You know my favorite saying for jealous. I got it from the cheetah girls. Here its goes..."Green with Gucci envy". I just love that saying. I first read the cheetah girl books in elementary and I waked around saying things like cheetalicious and mamacita for about a year. But thats off the point this is about jealousy. I have recently been made really really really jealous. You know who I Caught the jealousy bug from. Olivia P. Marshall. She needs to be arrested for this. Jealousy wasen't in my vocabulary until she brought facebook back to my attention. I now become jealous a lot from other facebook users. And of course....other reasons.... other reasons too embarassing to even post on here. Tyra Banks may be able to admit it but I for one am too modest to admit what makes me the most jealous in life....oh well...its not like your curious to know or anything. I truley am trying to quit the jealousy thing though. really I am. Most of the people I envy aren't don't even own anything gucci, so green with gucci envy dosen't exactly work for me. But the truth is jealousy dosen't look good on anyone. It's also in the ten commandments not to want something of someone eles. Its a severe sin. I must get over
K it hasen't happened but i'm working on getting over it. *I will not be jealous* I will not be jealous* I will not be jealous*
still not working. i'll let u know when it does
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