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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Everything that I have is yours/You will never be cold or hungry/I'll be there when your insecure let you know that your always lovely"

I'm going to devote part of this post to Chris Brown. Last week he kind of lost it and it was pretty big news in the celebrity world. The F.A.M.E. album released last monday and I will talk about it in more detail in times to come. But to promote the album he went on Good Morning America and was scheduled for an interview with Robin. He comes in looks really cute and is ready to talk about his album. Robin starts talking about Rihanna right of the bat. Chris Brown gets upset and says he came to talk about the album not things that happened in his past. Stands up very obviously angry, sings a song and leaves. What the camaras don't show us is him ripping his shirt off (bummer) and throwing a chair through the window at the studio he was recording at. He got upset and I totally understand. Imagine the whole world never being able to move past the moment when you were at your lowest? That would really suck wouldn't it?

He made a very spectacular album. The last album wasn't my favorite and I had lost interest in my favorite boy after the album with With You and Forever on it but this new one is pure greatest. F.A.M.E. stands for Fans Are my Everything and its really a crowd pleaser album. He has a variety of songs on there but my favorite are the slower romantic ones. Next 2 You has been added to the list of my favorite songs of all time. This is the duet between Chris and my future husband Justin Bieber. The duet is absolutely amazing, they are so talented. I was so proud of justin because he totally sounded like a little man and his voice was crazy. There were moment when you couldn't tell who was singing what. Chris wants to be a big brother type figure to Justin and I think its a semi - good thing because chris understands growing up in the public eye. They both started as little high school boys in gray hoodies, and Justin still is one but you get it. E online cracked me up when they did a story on the "brothers" and they said "lets hope for selena's sake Justin isen't taking the advice" haha.

Anyways some other good songs from the fame album are:
She Ain't You
All Back
Should've Kissed You (my second fav)
Up 2 You

A side note, throughout the whole album there are little refrences to rihanna like "Oh na na's" in the background. Its too cute. He still loves her, and I think he regrets his decision. In my book he is...forgiven and very talented. #TeamBreezy

Song of the day: Next 2 You by Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber

quote of the day: You Can Drive at 16, Go to war at 18, Drink at 21, and retire at 65. But how old do you have to be for your love to be real? - One Tree Hill

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