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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

How Does It Feel? To know that I love you baby, I'm lost without you.


I ended my last post about love with "maybe the stable, positive person I need in my life right now could be found in one of them. Once again, we'll just have to see". We'll pick up right where we left off. Dakota did not work out. Contrary to popular belief, he was the one who just wanted to have sex with me. One day he canceled our ice skating date and said that we would do lunch the next day. Before lunch time he told me that I should come over and watch Netflix instead. We all know what that means. I said no, because it was a new year and I was only going to accept the love I think I deserve (the best, purest form of love). He never talked to me again, and I didn't really care. Our conversations never really grew. We were stuck in the same place, and I hated his teeth. I was trying to act like it was okay, but I dodged a bullet. Don't miss him now and never did. 

Now that we're done with old business, we can talk about new business. I call it CJIII. He's bae. I gotta recap, because this is all stuff that must be remembered. Him and I have something special. After our Ride Along 2 date, we kept communicating. It's been fun getting to know each other. The man that currently has my heart had a wonderful smile and gets nervous when he's around me. His leg shakes and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Our second date was in Topeka. We met on the mall and he was late...again. I feel like this is a common theme in our relationship. He is always late. When he walked in, he was in baby blue. It looked really nice on him. The mall officer asked him to remove his hood, and I didn't like it. I thought it was kind of racist. We walked and talked and he said he wanted to take me to this store he likes. It ended up being a pet store. You all know how I feel about animals. But he's softened my heart to them. We played with a Doberman puppy. It was kind of cute, and I liked it until it started chewing on me purse. Then we had to end it. We also went to Buffalo Wild Wings, because all of the other restaurants were full and had two hour waits. Dinner conversation was good and we enjoyed our time together. Date number three was last weekend, and I already miss him. That day was chill and we sat in the car and talked for the longest time. He kissed me goodnight and it was perfect. I pray we continue to move in the right direction. He's something special. 

J tried to come back into my life, but he's rude and disrespectful. I'm too good for it. I ended it, because I have a really good thing with CJIII. I don't want anything to ruin it. Overall my heart is happier than its been in a long time. 

There is something that broke my heart recently. My father got his dream job with local law enforcement. After applying multiple times and using multiple family friends as references, he got the job. We were so happy for him. The language barrier was just too much and he had to leave. I could tell he really wanted to be there and he's really sad about it. He's still the number one man in my life, and I hate to see him going through such a hard time. This is all part of God's plan for his life. He doesn't close a door without opening at least two windows, so something big is on the horizon for him.

Song of the day: Lost Without You by Robin Thicke
Quote of the day: "Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building; your head tells you "idiot you're going to die" but your heart tells you "don't worry pretty girl, you can fly". 

Que Sera Sera - Whatever Will Be, Will Be


My mind is full. Full of stress. My anxiety is through the roof. For the first time in my life I have grown women problems. I don't know what to do. The number one thing on my mind is school. I have to make it. The motto right now is Get Rich or Die Trying. I gotta make it. I have officially completed all my applications and interviews for next year. School isn't going so well right now, but I think my grades could recover. I'm going to focus more after spring break. My heart & wallet are stuck on KU Pharmacy School. It's the easiest way for me to achieve my goal of becoming a pharmacist. I really messed up the first time. I valued all the wrong things. Did I learn? Yes, I learned a lot. But I wish I didn't have learn from such a huge, life changing mistake. I'm not sad about it anymore, but I do have regrets. I'm scared, but I'm also victorious. I know I'll have an opportunity to accomplish my goals. I believe in a mighty God and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Even though my faith isn't as strong as I hoped it would be, I know God will pull through for me. 

My mind is tired. Tired of keeping up with all the lies I've had to tell lately. What year are you? Depends on who's asking. Sometimes I'm a junior (one year until my biology degree). Other times I'm a senior (I started school in 2012, so I should be accomplished by now right?) I'm scared to tell people who I'm trying to accomplish. Telling people I failed was one of the hardest parts of 2015, and I'd rather not have anyone know what I'm doing this time around. I guess a part of me still cares about what other people think of me. 

 I feel like I'm outgrowing the people in my life, and I'm tired of pretending that I'm not. It's hard seeing people in my life make the wrong decisions. I had the pleasure of attending a conference for young African Americans and participated in a conversation about friends that really stuck with me. The discussion leader said that if you feel like the most advanced person in your friend group, you need new friends. He also emphasized that birds of a feather flock together. I need a flock free of of negativity, bad language, cheating, and all the different sins that have filled the lives of so many people close to me. I'm better than that and the decisions I've been making since knowing and associating with them. I need more positive influences in my life. 

I'm really grateful for the lifetime friends I have. They've been with me through everything, and I'm so grateful for their presence in my life. They recently confronted me about how I don't spend enough time with them. I felt really bad, because I know it's true. There's just not enough time in the day. School, work, & greek life leaves little time for anything else. But I'm going to try and do better. My time and energy should go to the people that truly deserve it. 

Speaking of those that truly deserve it, my mama. She's everything to me. I love her so much. We were trying to cheer my dad up by playing songs from the 70s and 80s that he enjoys. That prompted her to tell me to look up a song her parents used to sing together as a duet. It was called Que Sera Sera by Doris Day. It was exactly what the entire family needed to hear. "Whatever will be, will be". We can stress & frustrate ourselves all we want, but destiny will be fulfilled regardless. We just gotta roll with the punches.

Song of the Day: Que Sera Sera by Doris Day

Quote of the Day: "Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will"