In the midst of multiple discussions that have been sparked by Caitlyn Jenner this week, I saw this tweet.
"Kim got a fake ass. Y'all hate it. Kylie got fake lips. Y'all hate it. Bruce got a fake pussy. "slaaaaaay" Smh Dude"
I understand that the word choice used by this particular twitter user was extremely derogitory, but he has a point. Why are a majority of us happy for Caitlyn? Why am I happy for Caitlyn? Because she finally found joy. For 65 years, he was unahppy being the way he was born. She took a stand and decided to do someting about it. Why doesn't the same apply for women who choose to change parts of themselves. I have friends who are pro-LGBT changes and against Nicki Minaj's big fat ass, big big fat assss dun dun dun dun dun... you know the rest *Anaconda voice*. The friends who are against Nicki's behind or change in looks act as though the fact that her features are fake invalidate her beauty. But Caitlyn's beauty and entire gender is "fake" right? This tweet got me thinking. Why is there this double standard?
I recently read Toni Braxton's autobiography, and it gave me life. She is a women who has faced divorce, the birth of an autistic child, a lupus diagnosis, and a family that was completely dependent on her up until the reality show that gave everyone a source of income. Upon entering the music industry, she had to have surgery to fix her breathing and better her singing. Her employers at the time said it was the perfect time for her to get her nose fixed too. She went through a series of surgeries that made her nose thinner. It was done in multiple steps in order to fool the public. She also had a boob job, and said that this is common for all artists who are entering the industry. It helps give them the icon status they need to succeed. Is this wrong? Should we condemn her and her sisters for making these changes? Is it or is it not like Caitlyn Jenner's physical change?
I guess the validation for a sex change being more important than a lip injection is that sexuality is a far bigger matter than just not liking yourself. I would like to argue that Kylies lips, Kims butt, and Nicki's as well are a part of their sexuality as well. Nicki became this black sex symbol with her anaconda cover that had her in a thong. Kim pulls a lot of black man who like her what? Charming personality? Yes, that and her butt. Some of these changes the women made actually had a big effect on their sexuality. I think that if we're backing physical changes for the sake of happiness, it should apply to all people. All I'm saying is it's time my plastic surgery beauties got some acceptance for their choices as well. Should I choose to get the fat sucked out of my stomach and injected into my butt, I hope all of you who supported Caitlyn Jenner support my change as well.
Just food for thought.
Song of the day: Perfect by Pink
Quote of the day : "I think tolerance and acceptance and love is something that feeds every community". - Lady Gaga
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