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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

"I can't change. Even if I tried. Even If I wanted to. My love. My love. My love. She keeps me warm."

Caitlyn Jenner. On June 1st, 2015 she broke the internet. I keep up with the Kardashians and I have from the VERY beginning. Back when Kim had a different face, and Kylie had no lips. She was a little 10 year old girl who liked to play stripper on her moms pole. Negativity aside, I love the Kardashians. I think there's a lot of beauty in the family. I like that there are so many of them and truly admire their sisterly bond. They're hardworking women who look flawless every day. I'm typing this at my job in my scrubs and unstraightened hair. Far from glamorous. I get to experience that side of life through them. Bruce has always been a footnote in the show. I found it quite annoying when he demanded to walk Khloe down the aisle even though he's not her biological father. I thought it was silly that he got upset about finding out about her engagement online. I felt bad for him when Kris wouldn't let him buy his toys. The entire storyline was : Bruce likes to golf and buy toy helicopters. That was all there was too him...until this year. At first I didn't believe that Bruce was really transitioning. The media makes up all kinds of lies about the Kardashians, but then I saw the picture of him with red nail polish on and realized it was serious.

I grew up in a christian household. As a young child, we watched my Best Friends Wedding. She had a gay best friend. I adored the movie and so did my mother, so we watched it together over and over and over again. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. It has a young Cameron Diez and Julia Roberts. Beautiful scenes and great music. After watching the movie for the millionth time, I asked what gay meant. My Dad got angry and told me that I shouldn't be watching that kind of movie. He's always gone from zero to one hundred real quick, so my aunt interviened and then said : It's a bad word, sweety. Don't say that anymore. So until I finally made it to the world of public school, I had no idea what it meant. That and church shaped my initial outlook on the LGBT community. As I got older, one of my aunts actually got in a partnership. She didn't want me to know, but her partner told me. She wanted me to get emotional and ask questions, but I didn't really care. I still believe that same sex relationships are a sin. As a women of christinan faith, I can clearly read that homosexuality is not allowed. Just like sex with animals isn't allowed, premarital sex, lying, stealing, and the list goes on and on. There are lots of sins. But I have no write to dislike someone else, because of their sin of choice. I'm a sinner myself. I have even come to believe that if homosexuals know Jesus, they too can go to heaven. This is a big thing for me, because I struggled on my beliefs for a long time.

Back to Caitlyn. I missed the Diane Sawyer interview, because I had finals coming up. I did get to see the About Bruce special. It opened my eyes to so many different things I had never thought about it before. First, I truly understood what a transgender was. I was taught that being transgender doesn't necissarily mean that you had a sex change. I also learned the effects it can have on a family. The dad that they had known and loved all these years is just a memory now. There were so many tears. It truly felt like someone in the Kardashinan/Jenner family had died. Some of them got sad and other got angry. It was a lot for a family to go through. I truly felt for their family. Apparantly, a majority of them had known about Bruce having female tendancies for a long time. They just never knew how to approach him about it. I think he made the right decision for his life and that his family will come around and get used to the change.

My parents still believe that Bruce transitioned and is doing the show for attention. I believe what he said. That he's using his platform to help others who suffered through what he did. To be a leader and an example. They asked me if thats what I wanted to see people being lead to. Losing their gender. In all honesty, no. If I had a transgender child, I would love them with all my heart but it wouldn't be my wish for them. Just because it's SO hard. People judge you and treat you a certain way. They're rude and heartless. It makes life harder. Idk these are just some initial thoughts. The follow up is still to come.

Song of the day : Same love by Maclemore

Quote of the day:

"I'm not doing this to be interesting. I'm doing this to live." - Caitlyn Jenner

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