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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"What's real is something that the eyes can't see, what the hands can't touch, what them broads can't be, and that's you"

All summer I've spent two hours every Monday night watching Desiree find love on The Bachelorette. I fell in love with the concept of this show last fall, so this was the first time I got to see it reversed. She dates 25 men in an eight week period. What I loved about this season was that it wasn't easy. On Sean's season of the bachelor, he had 25 women who were absolutely in love with him and acted perfectly. Even the goodbyes were just the right amount of tears. Just enough that the mascara didn't smear. But I've learned in the past couple months that life isn't like that. If you're really living, Mascara will smear and your heart will break. You'll cry, you'll hurt. It's the tears and the pain you go through that prepare you for the joy to come. If it wasn't for the heartache and long nights, you don't realize just how wonderful your day to day life is. Desiree spent seven of the eight weeks in love with this guy Brooks. There's nothing wrong with Brooks aside from his old man hipster status. He just wasn't my type. We all watched desiree fall deeper and deeper in love with Brooks, and Brooks have little to no feelings for her. She couldn't see it!

I've been delusioned by blind optimism before, so I was especially interested if she would be able to let go of her fantasy in order to appreciate the wonderful man that was right in front of her. Chris was the best choice. The best choice is never the perfect one. We live in a world that strives for nothing less then perfection. The plus side to this is that we're hard workers and do everything we can to be the best we can be. The downside of this is that no one can achieve perfection. Everyone has some kind of flaw weather it be big or small. So you make the most of what you having with what you can be and the courage within. 

Our society encourages us to be the best version of ourselves. Lately I've been seeing that as encouraging each other to put concealer on the zits that are our imperfections. We're encouraged to lie to ourselves and the public about certain flaws, but pretending their not there does noting to make them disappear. Being yourself should never be a struggle or something you have to work towards. The best version of yourself is you just the way you are. If people don't happen to see the good in the person you are, then they're the ones with the flaws not you. 

Back to Chris. Chris is tall, athletic, and handsome. He's also pretty corky. A simple dresser. Sweet personality. Close with his family. He writes cheesy poems to express his feelings, and he gets excited about everything. In the words of J. Cole, he's the crooked smile guy. Originally, Desiree wasn't able to see the beauty in the crooked smile. But when she finally did she realized it was much greater then the ten years of braces smile. The imperfections built character and allowed it to be easier to see what was within. That's what's most important anyways right? Congratulations to the happy couple and I wish nothing but the best or them. 

I hope that I can someday find someone with all the right imperfections, and I'm smart enough to look past the little things into the person as they are. Not the best version of them, but what is. t

song of the day: Crooked Smile by J. Cole

quote of the day: 

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe

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