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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jackson Family Feud pt. 1 (Janet vs. Paris)

I still can't figure out how to space things on this so called "improved" blogspot page" so my blogs will now have different parts. Basically 1 paragraph = 1 post. Some would say that the Jackson family pretty much died with Michael (not to be harsh). Janet rocked the top of the charts, but she hasn't had a decent album since Demita Jo back in the early 2000s. The rest of the siblings are STILL singing I Want You Back on tour over 40 years later. I have never shared those views. I think there's something about that family that makes them special. There are so many big personalities. Who knew little Paris Jackson inherited her families traits. If you follow her on twitter you know what i'm talking about. The whole fued started when Katherine Jackson (MJs mom) went "missing". Paris and all the other little grandchildren went on a huge rant about how they demand to see their grandmother right then and then. Turns out she wasn't missing, but in Arizona with Janet and some other siblings that aren't relevent to this particular post. The next day Janet leaves Arizona and attempts to get Prince, Paris, and Blanket to leave what is known as the "Jackson Family Compound" (the new mansion bought with Michael's money). Paris demands that her aunt Janet leaves and tells her it isn't the Jackson family house it's their house. This upsets Janet and she starts swiping for her cell phone (very blurry video can be found on TMZ of this all happening). Then Janet proceeds to call Paris a spoiled little b**ch and slaps her. And they looked SO close at the memorial. After this whole incident, someone calls the police. This makes all the big headlines, and everyone from Sherri Sheaperd to Gladys Knight is commenting. Gladys said, " But if [Paris] called me that, she wouldn’t have no teeth. That’s the way we were brought up. You respect your elders". I personally think that crazy things happen when you're under pressure. Janet had no right to slap Paris, because she's been through a lot in the last three years and some kind of anger is to be accepted. But I also think that all the money and attention is getting to Paris's head. Maybe she should remember her roots...she was nice and quiet back then... :

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