About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today has been a day of thinking. I kind of examined my life in my brain today. For starters I only spend like 5% of my time doing things I seriously want to do . the rest of my time im in school studying things that end up giving me a headache, doing homework that i dont understand, and then practicing piano with songs i dont like. ITs a really horrible chain. I was thinking about the people who dont try at all and fail every class. thats not somethign I want to be but all those people look so HAPPY. after school the only thing they have to worry about is when to wake up for their afternoon nap in time for nightime television. They sleep in and get to school just in time for the last bell to ring. zero stress! but what people are telling me is if you work hard now it gets good later. Is that really true? It seems to me things just get more stressful later. Anyways I think the point im trying to make is we all need more fun in our lives! Thats probably why spring break was invented. and then after spring break SUMMER! The word sounds like a miricle to me. 2 1/2 months of relaxation!!!

Quote of the day:
"And when I first met you, I never would have imagined I would have such strong feelings for you. I never would have thought that I would have dreams about you, or miss being by your side, or get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions your name. When I first met you, I never would've thought I would love you."

Song of the day:
Dead and gone Justin and TI

Secret life update tomorow....im too tired. goodnight(after about 20 more minutes of leftover homework, shower, and all the other stuff i have to do. bye


  1. Hey!!! I agree about the stressful life thing. It's horrible, unless we move to the country or spain or something...I'm not staying here...

  2. I coulds see you in switzerland. that may be 50,000,000 % random but i totally could. (sorry it took me forever to reply. never noticed any coments
