Como estas? (the sad thing this is the extent of my spanish speaking carear).
Today was a pretty good day. did the same stuff as always. if your wondering this included
Wake up
Brush teeth, wash face, hygenic stuff
Orchestra (cello)
Yearbook (its gonna be amazing this year!)
and now blogging.
So it was the average day except for i didnt ride the bus and got a ride from hannah. It was good. I had lunch with a majority of my friends today which barley happens cause we're all in diffrent classes. It was fun. So i am currently obsessed (not really, exageration) with two tv shows. Secret Life of an american teenager and Gossip girl. Heres an update......
Secret Life:
Amy got in a fight with ashley. And Amys father found a nice couple for adoption. And ricky finally agreed. Grace found out that Ricky was with Adriane behind her back. And adriances been with........her step brother. ewwwwwww!
Gossip girl:
Chuck figured out his dad was in a super secret organization. The Gentlemans club. He thinks it could have been the best night of his life and he dosent remember any of it. No sign of him and blair getting back together. Nate and vanessa are happy. Dan broke up with serena and is currently dating a teacher. ewwww
Tv can be so disapointing sometimes.
Now for the quote of the day
"Shut up, and Sing!" excalibur. I know... I know... not the best quote but i had a really good on and forgot. But now that i think about it I have another one
"Whats a quote?" so today in yearbook I had to get a quote for the wrestling page of the yearbook about how great wrestling was this year blah blah blah. So I ask the "Star" player for something I can quote him on. and he goes Whats a quote? :-( Central is obviously not doing its job teaching
I think thats all for now. And also think ill fill in all those questions your supposed to fill in the begining. Well byyyye for now
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