He ran Apple during its peak. He was there for the creation of the Macbook Airs, iPads, iPhones, and iPods. These are all common terms to us all and you probably have one of these things lying around somewhere. Before Steve Jobs, music was stored in millions of CDS that took up a crazy amount of room. The funny thing about CDS is that you would only really like one or two songs from them anyways. He made an entire system perfect for the storing of songs. The first iPod could only hold 1000 songs, but you could have your music with you wherever you go. He created the entire system of itunes so that it can be an all in one thing. Then he made the iPhone and gave you pretty much everything you could ever need to survive in one. The iPhone was the first smart phone of his kind. At this point people couldn't imagine not having these things. He modernized the world, and had a very wise understanding of everything.
He was fired from his own company sometime in the 90s, so instead of moping around or wasting money like some people would Steve Jobs created Pixar which created the many cartoon movies that were a part of our childhood. Everything from Monsters Inc to Cars. Who brought these to our lives? Steve Jobs. The man was a genius.
In the end it was Pancreatic Cancer that killed him, but he fought hard for 8 years and was able to do his best work in that time. He was an unforgettable human being, and left the world a different better place then he found it.
Here are some great quotes of his:
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose"
"Your time on earth is limited, don't live by someone else's life, live by your own vision"
I really liked what Obama said: "And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. "
RIP Steve Jobs