About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tribute to Steve Jobs, "Then a Hero comes along, with the strength to carry on"

Steve Jobs was the Einstein of our generation. We lost a truly talented person. The cool thing about Steve Jobs was he was more then just book smart, he was a dreamer. He knew what he wanted and he was willing to do everything he could to get it. A lot of people don't really know everything he was involved with. He created the first personal computer, this thing i'm typing on right now would not be around if it wasn't for Steve Jobs. He named the first real computer Lisa after his love child from a previous relationship.

He ran Apple during its peak. He was there for the creation of the Macbook Airs, iPads, iPhones, and iPods. These are all common terms to us all and you probably have one of these things lying around somewhere. Before Steve Jobs, music was stored in millions of CDS that took up a crazy amount of room. The funny thing about CDS is that you would only really like one or two songs from them anyways. He made an entire system perfect for the storing of songs. The first iPod could only hold 1000 songs, but you could have your music with you wherever you go. He created the entire system of itunes so that it can be an all in one thing. Then he made the iPhone and gave you pretty much everything you could ever need to survive in one. The iPhone was the first smart phone of his kind. At this point people couldn't imagine not having these things. He modernized the world, and had a very wise understanding of everything.

He was fired from his own company sometime in the 90s, so instead of moping around or wasting money like some people would Steve Jobs created Pixar which created the many cartoon movies that were a part of our childhood. Everything from Monsters Inc to Cars. Who brought these to our lives? Steve Jobs. The man was a genius.

In the end it was Pancreatic Cancer that killed him, but he fought hard for 8 years and was able to do his best work in that time. He was an unforgettable human being, and left the world a different better place then he found it.

Here are some great quotes of his:

"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose"

"Your time on earth is limited, don't live by someone else's life, live by your own vision"

I really liked what Obama said: "And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. "

RIP Steve Jobs

Cause you can bandage the damage, you never really can fix a heart"

Hi everyone,
Have you noticed we live in a world obsessed with romance. Every single television show is about love, every single song is about love, and every single book is about...I bet you can guess..LOVE. L-O-V-E, L is for the way you look at me, 0 is for the only one I see. I think you get the picture. It makes love seem like the most important thing in the world. And it is. What pops in your head when you think Love? For me the first thing is God, because i'm really into the phrase "God is Love". The second is family, and the third is the notebook. I think thats one of the best love stories ever written. The book is amazing and the movie is even better. It's awesome to see love that lasts more then a week but a lifetime. Thats what makes that movie so touching. They're together through thick and thin and always find their way back to each other. They're soulmates.

Is there really such a thing anymore? We live in a world where 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. 70% of African American women remain unwed throughout their entire lives. But all these statistics just make people long for it more. The feeling and idea that there is someone out there who completes them. Someone who makes them a better person. This Sunday Kim Kardashians "Fairytale Wedding" special appears on t.v. I am so excited! Her and Kris Humphries make the worlds cutest couple. She was one who always believed in love and always knew she would find someone to complete her despite the crazy lifestyle she has. And she found that person. We'll have to watch how it plays out, maybe she'll prove all the statistics wrong and prove that true love exsists. At least for pretty armenian girls. Better then nothing I guess.

My love life is currently non-existent. Part of me still wants that stupid prince but I know he doesn't want me. I shouldn't call him stupid. He's never done anything to me, but sometimes thats the problem. There's nothing that crushes your self-esteem more then knowing you weren't worth anything. Not worth a fight, or even three words. It'll always sit there in the back of my mind. The truth is you never really can fix a heart. The stuff that hurt you deep down will never go away, you can just put a band-aid on it and hope that it'll heal with time. But i'm trying to forget him and look in other directions. There are some cute guys at school i've had nice conversations with but a lot of them are already taken and with people that they think are their "soulmates". Who would want to get in the way of a bond that special? Oh well, if this soulmate stuff is real (and I really want to believe it is), I have nothing to worry about. God is just saving me for someone special. And the truth is, i'm just find alone. I focus on my school work and the stuff thats truly important for a girl my age. But sometimes I can get brainwashed into feeling lonely by society. Thats life I guess.

song of the day: Fix a Heart by Demi Lovato

quote of the day: "Protect her, Love her, Kiss her, Hug her, Hold her, Smile with her, Laugh with her. But don't make her fall if you don't plan to catch her. "

"If we all could get along, then we all could sing this song together"

Hi Everyone!
I've missed you. I'm also wondering how many of you noticed the new changes to the blog. It was time for it to get changed. Now it feels way more me. I'm kind of a bubbly person, it doesn't show at school or events with school people but everywhere else i'm really upbeat. I still haven't got over the fake me that appears at school. Its not fake buts its distant. Like I'm completely quit and try too hard to be polite. Today I was talking to this really cute guy with these two other girls and he was telling the STUPIDEST jokes. But I would laugh joke after joke, and pretend he was the funniest person i've ever seen. In my mind I was like, "what. an. idiot." I can't help but wonder if it's better to be mean and real or nice and fake? How would I rather be dealt with? Somewhere in between. I like when people are honest with me but I am not yet wonderwoman. I don't know if I would able to remain unbroken.

Speaking of Unbroken, DEMI LOVATO is coming to Kansas City. Caps to show my excitment! I love her new album, and I love her story and it would be an honor to hear her sing it live. You know I'm going to try to go to that concert. And speaking of concerts, I just got home from one. It was my friends eighteenth birthday so we went out to dinner and went to see the band St. Vincent perform. I can't say I was very impressed by them. The location reeked of bear, I was harassed for keeping my camera, and the music just wasn't my thing. It was very hippy and I couldn't connect with any of the lyrics. But I went for my friend, and I hope she had a good time. It was a nice time to reconnect with my friends and feel like part of a group again. I can be awfully lonely sometimes.

I recently joined a club though. It's called Core Club. It means Christians on the revolutionary edge or something. We're christian people active about our mission. I know Christian clubs are know for being cheesy and judgmental but this was a great punch of kids who felt Gods present in their lives. I felt connected and the club encouraged me to grow stronger in my faith and make that part of me more present in my every day life. I thought it was cool! I also recently read an article about the 9/11 terrorists. It was talking about how devoted they were to their evil plan. The entire point of the article was to ponder what life would be like if people were equally devoted to positiive things. Like saving our planet, or curing diseases. Our society has become a group of bandwagon activists. We hear stuff on CNN then all tweet about it for one day but do nothing to change it. And chances are the next week we won't even remember what we were so angry about. I want to be passionate about something that benefits others. I just need to find my cause. Any suggestions?

song of the day: Together by Demi Lovato

quote of the day: "When you stop fighting, you stop living. So...find your fight. then fight like hell 'til your battle has won" - Peyton Sawyer, One Tree Hill