Yesturday was our second to last official day as the freshman class of Central jr. high 2009. We went for a school picknik to Dad perry park and then went to see Night in the museum two battle of the smithsonian. It was a pretty good movie. I started falling asleep in the middle but it got exciting again towards the end. At the field trip EVERYONE was there. IT was really the end of it all. We all sort of came together. Wheather it was through kick ball, tennis, basketball, volleyball, talking, dancing we were together as a freshman class. I realized that i might miss people. Even the annoying ones. High school is gonna be so weird. It will be a whole nother group of people. People I dont know. And change has always been a pretty scary concept for me. Wil the like me? will i be cool? an outcast? Labels. You get them on the first week of school and they basically stick with you till you graduate. At Freestate id like to be friends with everyone. Someone who can be labeled in so many diffrent ways. But im pretty shy. And it takes a big effort for me to talk to people i dont know because i guess you can say im scared of the reaction. Some people just stare at you weird and others can be friendly. Then there are the people that are friendly and stare at you weird the minute you walk away. High schools gonna be tough and im gonna need all the luck I can get.
p.s. Going ice skating and to oak park mall today
Quote of the day:
Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie
Song of the day:
Manhatten from the sky - Kate voegele
Tv update:
Did you catch the finale of one tree hill and gossip girl. Chuck bass won blair!!!! and Leyton got their happy ending but a sad one for me. For those of you who dont know when peyton and Lucas drove off into the sunset with their baby on the last episode it was the last time we'll ever see them on one tree hill. Dosent that suck?!? If you can start complaining on blogs/facebook/myspace wherever you can
About Me

- Forever yours, Mariam
- My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Flaws in the human race 2
The flaw ill be discussing about today is the person that we choose to be and the one we want to be. Most people say that they will change but never do. Because as humans we think that we have infinate time to do everything. But the sad thing is someone is dieing every second. Accidents happen all the time. And im hoping that god is good to all those reading and gives them 100 years to come but in reality not many people get the chance to finally be who they want to be. I myself have tried hard to be a better person but i still find myself making horrible mistakes. Theres a girl in my geometry class who has no friends. Seriously, none. And latley ive been trying to be nice to her and talk to her. She has adhd so she just talks nonstop. And i try to listen really I do, but sometimes i just snap. And if I really tried I wouldent but some how I find myself doing it anyways. I lie to myself and say it dosent matter she'll forget about by next class. Ive also tried to be a nicer person in general. But then I hear people talking saying "what does she know about being nice? she talks about people all the time" right in front of my face. And the funny thing is im hearing all this stuff from my friends. my friends! Dont you think a real friend would be able to come up to you and say this or encourage you making an effort to be better even though you've made mistakes and the past and continue to make them everyday. Im not the perfect friend myself but encourgment does help. One of my not so close friends sits on the otehr side of me in geometry and shes always going " I feel soooooo bad for you you have to sit by her". And I dont say anything! Back to the original topic of life is too short to not be the best person you could possibly be. I dont know about your beliefs but as a christian there is heaven and hell. For the good and the bad. I want to find the strength to live my life in a good honest way so heaven is an option for me a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time from now (contradicting myself). But the argument against my theory is a side I also sometimes take. Life is too short to be hanging out with people that annoy the hell out of you, and to not be doing what you think is fun. But I know thats wrong. Why is it so tempting to go on the wrong side?...........
Quote of the day:
Accept everything about yourself--I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end--no apologies, no regrets.--Clark Moustakas
Song of the day:
Yeah usher (many happy memories)
Tv update:
Peyton sewyer is at risk of death on one tree hill :(
Quote of the day:
Accept everything about yourself--I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end--no apologies, no regrets.--Clark Moustakas
Song of the day:
Yeah usher (many happy memories)
Tv update:
Peyton sewyer is at risk of death on one tree hill :(
Monday, May 11, 2009
Flaws in the human race
I've been seeing a lot wrong with the human race latley and im gonna do an online blog series about it. The first topic is this whole social status thing and the people on the bottom of the food chain. There are people in any society that are invisible. There are many horrendous names for them. The losers, geeks, nerds, loners. And if your sitting around with your friends saying im personally insulting you then your wrong. This is about the people who are sitting all alone right now all over the world. No friends. People walk right past them with out so much of seeing them or even a glare. Being cussed out or yelled at would be better than not being noticed at all. This isent the position im in and i thank god for it. I have many friends who love me and care about me at my best and at my worst. I started this bloging topic because of a school shotting thing i saw. The guy brought a gun to school and didnt end up killing anyone just himself. He was talking about the steps to wanting to end your life. The first was the day that no one talked or even looked at him. He learned to walk with his head to the ground and know one knew him. The second was the day his family found out he was a loser. He was getting beat up at school when his father found him and he gave him an ashamed look he will never forget. And the last was him being so lonley he couldent take it anymore. so do me a favor, next time you see a "nerd or loner" talk to them. Ask them how their doing. Make sure there is no way they will fell 100% along. I gaurentee the world will be a better place.
Song of the day:
How to save a life the fray
Quote of the day:
My heart is a gypsy - continuously searching for a home, fighting within itself, wondering whether it is weak or even right for that matter to be searching in the first place. Lonliness is what it feels like...”
Episode of the day:
Song of the day:
How to save a life the fray
Quote of the day:
My heart is a gypsy - continuously searching for a home, fighting within itself, wondering whether it is weak or even right for that matter to be searching in the first place. Lonliness is what it feels like...”
Episode of the day:
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Life is.....good
I just finished variety show which was a amazing. Heres a list of the songs....
Joyful joyful
Puttin on the ritz
Put a little love in your heart
Let it Be
Evolution of dance
Coppa Cobanna
Jump Jive and Wail
and those are just the ones i was in. I will never foget variety show
oh and theres officially 5 days till formal. AHHH!
Quote of the day:
I will punch you so hard you'll get your next period through your nose & these are like auditions for Crap the musical- Brooke Davis
I just finished variety show which was a amazing. Heres a list of the songs....
Joyful joyful
Puttin on the ritz
Put a little love in your heart
Let it Be
Evolution of dance
Coppa Cobanna
Jump Jive and Wail
and those are just the ones i was in. I will never foget variety show
oh and theres officially 5 days till formal. AHHH!
Quote of the day:
I will punch you so hard you'll get your next period through your nose & these are like auditions for Crap the musical- Brooke Davis
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