About Me

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My name is Mariam and through this blog I'm discovering things about the world, and about myself. Through all my blogs you'll see craziness, political insight, celebrity mania, musical interest, total drama queen-ness,all about boys, and ever changing views on everything. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. You're about read the pages of my epic diary. Welcome to my world, and feel free to come back ;)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I would finish what i started last time but then i'd have to add a whole nother week. on the bright side though it is SPRING BREAK! Yeeeaaaa! What am I doing you may ask? Im gonna be super babysitter. yes i will be watching an 11 year old and a ten year old from 8:00 to around 2ish from monday to friday. Why waste my spring break doin this you may ask. Money/cash/mola/the green stuff. I havent made money in a long time cause my parents dont believe in the whole "allowence" thing. Not that they starve me or anything its just they dont give me money for just breathing every month. Anyways back to the original subject. I also hope to go to my friend S (I dont mention the full name because there are a LOT of creepers out there and dont care to get me or my friend kidnapped.) in kansas city. But my parents havent given me an answer. their too busy tonight cause a guest is coming. But i have some sad news. I finished all the books in the gossip girl series except for the prequel. its over. and im not gonna lie to you. I cried. it was so sad and a very loveable ending. Thank goodness the tvs series is still there.

Television update:

Secret life:
Amy almost had her baby! she went into labor at her baby shower and she called ricky and he was so touched he almost cried it was so romantic. And ben was supportive. Jack broke up with the older woman and Adrianne and her step brother sort of broke up cause he said he loved her and she didnt say anything.

Gossip girl:
Age of dissonence comes out monday!! Cant wait. I love the theme song for the new episodes. "OH MY GOD!!!"

Quote of the day:

Alice: I have to go now. I have an algebra tomorrow and my mother drove me over here and she's waiting for me. Goodnight.Henry: You were in the car with your mom while we were talking about who you fantasize about when you...Alice: yea. She's my mother and shes a therapist. We talk about everything.(Alice leaves)Henry: That's not right.Ben: Well look at the upside of things, she didn't tell her dad. Although, I think her mother will tell her dad.Henry:Ohhhh, why did I do this? What was I thinking? Why didn't I take your advice?(Alice walks back into the room)Alice:You wanna ride home?Henry: Uh... no thanks.

-secret life. its funnier when you see it though

Song of the day:
I wanna know by Joe

xoxoxo - M and possibly other letters. saftey first :)

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